March 22, 1997
Time For Corn!

Howdy all! It's been a marvelous ski season, numerous dumps punctuated by gorgeous weather in between combined to make an epic winter. Everytime I went out except for twice, I was met with loads of freshies, untracked powder caches, and great turns. If you haven't noticed, I haven't been updateing this page. This is because I would rather be skiing than updateing it. Besides, its dang time consuming to be updating the thing all the time!
Anyhow, The Winter was great and the spring is continuing the tradition! The past two or three weeks have been crystal clear skies, and moderately warm temperatures, makeing for some great corn snow and fun turning. The wet slides have been wreaking havoc however, and just the other day, a pair of skiers got hit & buried in the gobbler's knob area. Be careful!
It has been rumored that a system may be moving into the area next week, but I've heard that the past two weeks with no results. So we will wait and see. With the snowpack we have now, I expect to be skiing well into May/June before the extra boot hike makes it inconvenient. At the resorts however, I wouldn't be suprised to see them still open around the 1st of July. It has happened three of the last five years.
Anyhow, that's all for now. Happy turns!

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This adventure brought to you by The Rooster.